Friday, 22 July 2016

Expanded TerraCycle recycling is here at the Coop!

Outside of the Coop except during inclement weather when collection will be held inside the Coop

2nd Wednesday of the month 3:45-6pm
4th Saturday of the month 1:45-4pm
(Please try to come at least 15 minutes before the end of the shift.)

New expanded plastic collection for Coop members only! 
Please be ready to show your membership card. 

New items collected:
  • Plastic bags/wrapping/packaging from most Coop items (both food and non food items.)
  • Plastic roll bags distributed by the Coop.
  • Thin plastic film wrapping from items such as cheese, meat, toilet paper, tea boxes etc. 
NO foil backed packaging is accepted at the moment.

The regular TerraCycle collection is still available to Coop and non-Coop members!

Ongoing community collection items:
  • Toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes, any brand and size.
  • Baby food pouches and caps, any brand
  • Energy bar wrappers (any brand but only energy bars)
  • Brita and other similar water filters
  • Plastic food storage zip loc bags, cling wrap and small bulk bags such as the bags used for spice, nuts and dried fruit.
  • Plastic cereal and cracker bags (no foil packaging)
NO shopping bags
Food residue and paper labels OK

It was a scorching June afternoon that heralded the arrival of the expanded TerraCycle collection here at the Park Slope Food Coop.
ONLY SOFT PLASTIC FROM COOP PURCHASES.  More than one Fresh Direct labeled ziploc bag was handed back to sheepish members.  Why?  The Coop has to pay extra for the items in this expanded collection. 
Donations of any amount are welcome!
Please wash food residue before handing over.  The TerraCycle committee cannot send off plastic with food on it and if your plastic is dirty you will be asked to pop into the Coop to rinse it off.
It is really helpful to try and sort the various types of plastic if possible.  The TerraCycle squad will always help but collections can get busy.  Any extra organizing beforehand is always welcome.
Remember that everything from toothpaste to baby food pouches are collected.
 The youngest member of the TerraCycle squad hits up the plastic sorting.  If a five year old can sort plastic there's hope for all of us.
That's a girl's size amount of plastic waste saved 
from landfills and out of our environment.

Tom, a Coop member for five years says this about the TerraCycle collection. 
"I love it. I wish we could recycle everything. I wish we could do the dry cleaning bags. I wish we could do more. I would be all for that. It sickens me to see the amount of plastic we can't get rid of."
Tom has used roll bags only half a dozen times in five years. We can't all be Tom but we can certainly make sure our roll bags get recycled. Single use plastic is the most commonly used plastic found to affect wildlife.

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